The Best Ways To Save Money So That You Can Travel Abroad While Working a Full-Time Job-and While Building Multiple Businesses

The Best Ways To Save Money So That You Can Travel Abroad While Working a Full-Time Job-and While Building Multiple Businesses

Since October 2021, I have been to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania not once, not twice, but three times. On my second trip to Dar in May 2022, I stayed a full 30 days, and fell deeper in love with the country-So much that once I returned home, I immediately started planning my next trip to go back before the American holiday season this year!

And did! I went back for a 1 week stay at the end of October 2022.

My family and co-workers said, “Again??” And just recently, my favorite comment from a co-worker was, “Oh, so you just hop up and go to Africa whenever you want??”🤣

How am I able to do all of this trip planning, work full-time, homeschool my younger 2 boys, work on expanding my private senior care business, run a small online boutique, and work on building other multiple streams of income?

In this blog post, I will be sharing with you the best ways to save money while working a full-time job, so that you can travel more. This will be based on some of my personal experiences.

First Things First

First off, personally, I am not going to just hop up and leave my job or business ever again without careful planning. I have carelessly done both of those before a few years ago, and well, to make a long story short, it was a disaster. But I have lived and learned, bumped my head quite a few times, and can now say that my mistakes equipped me to become a pro when it comes to relocating, planning and transitioning, moving, and traveling domestically. And now, I am learning more and more about traveling internationally, so that I can become a pro when traveling overseas as well.

I have also learned that keeping a full-time job while running and building businesses on the side is key. This will keep your money flowing until money starts to CONSISTENTLY flow in your businesses. And even when money starts flowing consistently in your businesses, it would be wise for you to still keep your full-time job for a while.

Also, if you don't want to get into too much loan debt, you will need your full-time job to fund your businesses.

I used to think that I was being a hypocrite by keeping my full-time job, and operating as a business owner and entrepreneur, until I later found out that so many other people were doing this.

The very first person who I heard of that talked about working full-time while running multiple businesses, is a serial entrepreneur who relocated to South Korea by the name of Jessica Frye.

“I built my confidence from working for other people. Before I ever opened my own business, I was able to juggle 3 or 4 jobs at one time-and I was able to mange money before I ever opened my own business….”

(@6:48 Working Full-Time and using your money to fund your businesses)

The Best Ways To Save Money So That You Can Travel Abroad While Working a Full-Time Job- and While Building Multiple Businesses

  1. Live with your parents, grandparents, close friend, a sibling, or an understanding family member

    This is the number one way to cut expenses and travel while working full-time, but only if your family and friends are supportive of what you are doing.

2. Ditch your cash car and/or car payments

By ditching your cash car you will not have to spend any extra money on maintenance, car repairs, and all other major car work that comes with having a used cash car-For newer vehicles, you will of course have no car payments.

By going carless, you will not have to spend money on car insurance, and you will not have the extra liabilities that come along during harsh weather conditions.

Public Transportation

When you go carless, you will be able to network, meet a lot of interesting people, market your businesses-see, visit, and discover new things around your city that you wouldn’t have even paid attention to if you had been driving. You can be sure that you will be saving money for your travels when you catch the bus, walk, metro rail, Uber, Cab, and Lyft.

*Alot of frequent travelers do not own cars.

3. Relocate to a different city or state that has a lower cost of living

If it seems impossible for you to live with other people, consider relocating to another city or state where the cost of living is low.

4. Keep watch on all of your expenses like a hawk

Write everything that you buy down to the penny. Don’t skimp out on this, and just keep your receipts, nod and say, “Yep, I know exactlywhat I’m spending my money on”! Actually write everything that you spend down on paper, and/or in your phone-add, subtract, multiply, and divide every time money comes in, and goes out.

*Sometimes you think you have more than you actually do, and sometimes you think that you have less than you actually do, when you don’t have a specific notebook set aside to write your day to day expenses in.

5. Get a non stressful, part-time job, in addition to your main full-time job-Or if possible, work a couple of full-time jobs

Pick up a simple part-time job on the weekends, or on your off days, and use your earnings to travel.

Or, work 2 full-time jobs; Try to find a job or career where you work 3 nights a week for 12 hours, then you will have more time to work another full-time job, (or a few other small jobs) work on your businesses, and/or side-hustles, so that you can begin generating more money to travel.

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