Living Life On Your Terms-Doing What You Want-How You Want-When You Want

Living Life On Your Terms-Doing What You Want-How You Want-When You Want

It’s time to start doing what you want, how you want, and when you want…Without worrying about anyone else’s approval or opinions… especially if you are grown!

Wherever and however you are living your life, are you truly happy and content?

The Typical Life

Do you have a house, apartment, town home, or condo, where you are paying a monthly contract-plus a couple of nice cars, (with car payments) but living paycheck to paycheck?

Are you anxious about your bills and on edge all of the time about money? Do you pay all of your household needs on time, but barely have anything left over after all is paid? Are you really satisfied with your job and/or business?

Maybe you don’t have money problems, but still feel discontented and unsatisfied with your life. Maybe you are receiving a nice salary, but just need to manage your money better.

If your life situation resembles any of these above scenarios, don’t you think that it’s time to start doing what you really want to do in life? Don’t you think it’s time to live like you have always wanted to live without being concerned about what your family, friends, or society will think?

How and where do you really want to live?

If you have a steady income, and want to live in a van, camper, and travel, do it. If you want to travel the world, live and retire in a different country, do it. If you want to move and live in a different place every week or month without multiple bills and contracts, do it. If you have always wanted to live on a boat, do it. If your parents are begging you to live closer to them, or maybe even move back in with them, and you secretly want to, do it. If you want to live out of a suitcase, and prefer travel and experiences over things, do it. If you want to visit all 50 states in America, do it.

Start getting comfortable with the fact that you know what’s best for you!

I’m writing this article to encourage you to start living the way you want

If your tired of people saying, “why don’t you do it like this?” or, “Why are you going there?” -every time you feel like you have made a good decision that you know will benefit you, then keep reading my friends.

Liberate Yourself!

I am now finally on track to doing what I really want to do-Not what my friends, family, or former partners want me to do. I’m not living the type of lifestyle other people envision or expect of me. I'm not making decisions based on what other people are saying or advising. I am finally fully trusting myself, listening, obeying, and acting on my gut instincts about my own life, and it feels liberating.

Living Life On Your Terms-Doing What You Want-How You Want-When You Want

Take inventory of why you are making the decisions that you are making. This is very important if you want to take full control of your life. Why are you living the way you are living? Why are you married or in partnership with your person? Are you living and driven by your own wants, needs, desires, or by someone’s else’s? This is key to living a truly fulfilled life-living life on your own terms. Trusting yourself, and getting to the core of what you really want out of life.

When you start doing this, the Universe will begin to surround you around like-minded people, your friendship and dating circles will change, your vibe and outlook on life will change, you will start becoming more optimistic, and the outcome on the decisions that you make based on trusting in yourself, will flow better. Nothing is perfect, but you will know, understand, and see that when the imperfections come and are allowed, it was sent or happened for a very specific, and sometimes life changing reason.


Do you have options? Many times when you don’t have options in life, you will feel trapped. If you don’t have options, you will feel that there is only one way to go about your daily life. When you don't have options, or are not open to other options, you will get into a routine that doesn't excite you, or make you feel motivated about your goals.There are many options and avenues to get what you want out of life, all you have to do is find the courage to take the leap to explore them.


You can live in one place and still be unstable. Just because you move around and live place to place, doesn’t mean that you are not stable or settled. As a matter of fact, you can be more emotionally, mentally, and financially stable moving around from place to place, than you would be living and “settled down” in one place. Many people are “settled”, and seem to have it all, but are still unhappy and depressed.

It all depends on you

Take the time to find out more about YOU. If you are like me, you will be rediscovering and learning about yourself all over again, once the societal changes have taken place. Look over your life and take inventory of what it is that makes you consistently tick. What keeps you on your toes? What environment flows with your energy? What type of people match your energy? Who takes away from your positive vibe? Who do you need to leave behind, in order for you to start fully thriving? Who and what do you need to keep in order to live your life on your terms? I am the happiest when I am_____________. Only YOU know the real answer-But it most likely will be several answers to this question.

I go where I want to go-when I want to go-and how I want to go…

and if and when the circumstance changes, I have a backup plan where I can easily move and pivot without stressing. This is the real me. But if I am constantly living in an environment where the energy is unlike mine, my own energy will be blocked, I will become stagnant, and won't be able to flow like I am supposed to.

Once you begin to experience a consistent flow of abundance in all areas of your life, based upon the decisions that you are making for YOU, you will never look back, or second guess yourself ever again!

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