5 Things I Miss About Island Life in Corpus Christi, Texas

5 Things I Miss About Island Life in Corpus Christi, Texas

I still can’t believe that we were living in Corpus Christi, Texas just minutes away from the beach, for 5 years!

Now back in Houston, Texas the 4th largest metropolitan city in the US, there is always something to do.

Almost everything that you want or need, Houston has it!

Although there are many advantages to moving back to Houston, there are a few major amenities in Corpus that I really have been missing.

5 Things I Miss About Island Life in Corpus Christi, Texas

1. The Beach

I have been feeling like a mermaid out of water lately!

My favorite sport is swimming so I desperately miss going to the beach almost every day!…I desperately miss swimming in the ocean and laying in the sand daily. I have a nice view of the swimming pool in front of my home office window, but when you get used to swimming in the ocean, the chlorinated water in the pool doesn't seem too appealing anymore.

I miss taking my kids to the beach and watching them run in the sand without restrictions.

I miss meeting friendly Islanders- Some who have settled on the island because of the military, and some who said that they enjoyed vacationing there so much, that they winded up never going back home because of its chill lifestyle-one guy told us that he came to the island from Southern California for Spring Break, and never went back home!

I miss the sound of the waves crashing, seagulls swooping slow, and the luxury of strolling on the beach at midnight.

2. My Super Healthy Lifestyle

Since I been back in Houston, I have noticed a big drop in my healthy lifestyle. I do a whole lot of walking here, but the time that I spend outside compared to when I was living by the beach is way less.

Even though Houston has far more things to do than little Corpus Christi, I was definitely more physically active on the beach.

Physical Activity on the Beach

Right on the beach, I can do a variety of exercises. Run, jump, play frisbee, play catch, football, and volleyball all in the sand.

I also used to always challenge my older kids to a game of basketball-playing by a park around the corner from the beach.

Currently, my physical activities consist of walking and dancing.

While living in Corpus, I also spent way more time outdoors, because we lived in a beach like home where we had the whole property to ourselves.


The weather in Corpus Christi is very warm, but because the city lies on the gulf coast, there is always a refreshing breeze!


I used to order Indian food from India online every other week at ishopindian.com. Sad to say that I haven’t ordered anything from them in almost 2 1/2 years! Also in Corpus Christi, there is a fruit and vegetable store called Fruit King. Omg! You can buy 2-3 big cardboard boxes full of fresh fruit and veggies for $25.00.

Currently, my diet consists of more American, Nigerian and Jamaican food, which I love, and am not complaining about at all!


I used to give myself natural hair masks and hot oil treatments every week. Now I only do them once a month, or once every 3 months.

3. Extended Family

I do not have any close family members here in Houston. I sort of miss being able to drive around and pop in on my extended family, just to say hi, pick up a dinner plate that they insist on me eating, get some good laughs in from my aunties wild jokes, and going over there for birthdays and other family get-togethers.

4. The News Channel

Seriously, when we first started watching the news, we were like, “Yesss!” …In Corpus Christi, Texas there are very few cases of murder, theft, or domestic abuse. The big thing that you had to watch out for was hit and runs.

To watch TV, with very little bad news was so refreshing. Here in Houston, Texas I only watch the news if I have to, because every day there is drama, a murder somewhere, break-ins, and whatever other major or minor crimes you can think of! Sorry, Houston, I do love you, and for the most part, I have always felt at home and safe here. But to live in a place where local news broadcasts are short, and the rest of the news hour is spent talking about other things that are going on outside of your city, is heaven.

5. Slow Pace Living

I love the hustle and bustle of the big city! But it wasn't until I moved to Corpus that I realized that yes, I consider myself a big city girl, but I should separate my big city girl lifestyle from home.

Meaning, do business in a big city, shop in a big city, dine in a big city, have a great nightlife in a big city, but when it's time to go home, go home to a place outside of a big city.

As you spend time exploring different environments, where do you flourish the most? Also, if you have a nomadic spirit, how long does it take before you feel like you need to move somewhere else?

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