Zanzibar  Revolutionary Day!

Zanzibar Revolutionary Day!

On January 12, 1964 the people of Zanzibar led a revolt against the Arab Sultan. The Arabs had been ruling, dominating, enslaving, and oppressing the east African island and the Zanzibaris for approximately 200 years.

Revolution (mapinduzi in Swahili) a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system-Oxford dictionary

Read and Study about the History of Zanzibar

You may have visited the island of Zanzibar in Tanzania-but do you know its full history? The rich history of Zanzibar reaches far beyond its beauty, beaches, and exotic spices-One can also say that part of Zanzibar’s rich history is because of its beauty, beaches, and exotic spices!

If you have not yet been to one of the most popular destinations in East Africa, knowing the history of the country and people before you travel, will not only help rid extreme culture shock and ignorance, but will help you understand, appreciate, and respect it a whole lot more.

Happy Revolutionary Day Zanzibar!

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