When Your Ancestors Call, You Answer!

When Your Ancestors Call, You Answer!


Unless you want to miss out on opportunities to receive special, sensitive, and timely messages and blessings for your life…


Saturday morning, the sounds of Native American chanting LITERALLY woke me up out of my sleep! I thought that I was dreaming! I looked out of my window several times to see if I could find out where it was coming from.

I could see nothing…only hear…

It was as if my Ancestors were calling me. I immediately got dressed, went outside, and tried to follow the chants…In the woods…


As I continue to embark on my new spiritual journey, I am becoming less hesitant.

(I know that my Ancestors knew how much I wanted to closely reconnect with them.)

They have been watching me meditate, while listening to their drumming, they have heard my calls, and now have come close to me, making sure that I know, that they are aware of my thoughts.

I am not new to spiritual experiences, for I have had many since I was a little girl. I am evolving, and I like it. I like change.

In order for you to move on to the next level in life, you must go through a series of tests.

Everyone's test is different and unique, because we are not all headed in the same direction.

We all have different assignments


I had been in this field before, but never went beyond the trees.

I always wondered what was in between, and behind the tall trees in the woods.

Houston is known for it’s many Bayou’s, so I was almost positive that there was a body of water somewhere!

I left my home without a second thought, and circled around the gate for a while to listen to the chants.

I can't go back inside! I don't want to go back!

I had to find out where the chants were coming from… Hopefully, I can join the ceremony!


I found myself walking out the gate, and headed for the woods. I was being led by Spirit.

The chants began to die down a little...

Oh no! I missed it!..They're gone now!

Then, there He was again…CHIEF!

Loud as ever! The same male voice that woke me up out of my sleep!


I stop to look up and around me, as I am now out of sight to anyone who may have seen me wander off into the woods.

Looking up at the tall trees, and then down at all of the leaves that were falling off it's branches, I listen to the sounds of the whistling wind.

It was a beautiful breezy morning. The last day of November. The last day of Native American Heritage Month.

The call was very abrupt, and unexpected, for they heard my thoughts.

I am cautious, but unafraid, because I know that they would not have called me out into danger.


I turn around to look behind me, to my left, and then to my right. My senses are wide open, and I am caught up in the moment, as the chanting continues.

I have to get closer!

I see some barbed wire that appears to have been pushed all the way down to the ground, and others, between trees that were very low.

Oh! I have to get closer!


Maybe I can just go through the opening of the barbed wire, climb up the tree, and see if I can see them!

But then I noticed that the trees on the other side of the woods, would obstruct any and everything that I was trying to view.

In order for me to get closer, I had to go deep into woods. That was definitely where the chants were coming from.


After getting through the barbed wire, I see a big lot of private property surrounded by more barbed wire.

Looking to my left, there was a long straight path, and in front of me, was the woods that I needed to go into, in order to get closer to the chants.


In front of the private property, (or in the back) was a side Trail.

I can use this side Trail to go directly into the woods!


After walking on the side of the Trail, I then had to practically crawl under a bunch of branches, and leap over a few logs.


I was in!

All of a sudden, I felt a huge adrenaline rush!

Trampling through the woods, I was invisible! One with Nature.


As the chanting became more clear, I felt a strengthening force within my body.

I then stopped to tie my braids in 2.

I grabbed my Wolf Tooth necklace, put it to my lips, kissed it, and held onto it tight.


I made it! I found it!.. I found them!


Behind these trees, was an opening to a trucking company of some sort.

Beside the trucking company, was the building where the chantings were coming from. Most likely, the gathering was being held outside of this building.


My intuition told me to stay put. Don't go any further. You are right where you need to be. And in due time, you will join a Tribal gathering. But right now, enjoy this moment from right here…Listen!

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