NO ONE is Originally From America

NO ONE is Originally From America

If you are just now beginning to study Africa, and African Ancestry, you may be a little confused due to lack of knowledge or misinformation-Like not knowing that Africa is a continent, and not a country, and that Africa is the origin of the black and wooly haired.

Every ethnicity is beautiful in their own way-and every race has their own unique physical traits, that make them stand out.

For example:

For Asians, it's their eyes and long black silky hair (India is in Asia)

For Europeans, it's their pale pink and white skin, brown and yellow hair.

These are duh factors that has to continually be brought out and repeated because in the US, people act as if they have not learned about the world, different cultures, and how if one differs from you, then there is nothing wrong with them.

Important side note: All of our unique physical traits are scientific genetic DNA from the universe. Our unique cultures and physical traits encompass who we are for a reason, and are not a mistake. Human beings are not supposed to be the same, or else we would have already been created in the same way-So don’t make the mistake of trying to conform yourself into someone else.

Back to Africa

There are 54 countries on the continent of Africa. Our race in Africa, may look the same, but speak totally different languages.(Don’t mistake a Tanzanian for being Kenyan, and don’t mistake a Cameroonian for being Nigerian-they will quickly correct you.)

.There are over 2,000 languages spoken in Africa!

.Also, each African country is made up of many different tribes and ethnicities.

Another side note: People of the same race but different country and culture is widespread. When you say white people, or Europeans, exactly who are you talking about? Surely not the whole European race. (If you refer to Italians or Jews as white people, they will quickly correct you as well. That may be their skin color, but color is not their heritage.) Also, can we tell whether or not someone is from Japan, China, Korea, or Vietnam based on their looks alone? (They will also be quick to say, I’m not Chinese, I’m Japanese, or I’m not Japanese, I am Korean.)

Where do I start?

Get a DNA test done. Once you get your results, take the time to study the language and region from where your ancestors came from. If you listen to your people, and watch their ways, and characteristics, you will soon discover some physical and/or personality traits that are similar to your own.

Find your country, find your tribe, find yourself!

Stay Focused My Friends!

Stay Focused My Friends!

Finding and Accepting Your African Roots

Finding and Accepting Your African Roots