My First International Solo Trip To Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

My First International Solo Trip To Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

I just got back from Tanzania last night! My very first international solo trip. I still cannot get the images of the country and the faces of people that I met during my journey out of my head! Though my body is here in the states, my mind is still in Dar es Salaam.

I have so much to write about my 7-day trip, that I decided that I am going to break the posts up into 10-12 chapters/10-12different blog posts. Here is an outline of what to expect.

1. An explanation of Covid guidelines while traveling from the states through Doha Qatar, and Tanzania.

2. My Flight Experience

I began my journey to Dar es Salaam Tanzania, in Africa, from Little Rock Arkansas. After a 2 hour layover in Dallas, I finally boarded five-star Qatar Airways! Flying with Qatar Airways was an amazing experience from beginning to end.

3. Arriving in Tanzania

I will be explaining in detail what you need to get through immigration in Tanzania.

4. Tanzania Airport

I will show you how to navigate through Julius Nyerere Airport, and what you will need to obtain there before your Tanzania journey.

5. Staying at Kijiji Beach Resort

I will be sharing my stay and my wonderful experience at Kijiji Beach Resort including many pictures and videos!


6. How to get around Dar

One of the most important things you need to figure out is how will you be getting around Dar during your stay. I will be explaining in detail the different modes of transportation and costs.

7. Tanzania Currency

Another important thing that must be understood when traveling into another country is currency. I will be breaking down some Tanzanian prices and converting them to USD.

8. Rural vs. Downtown Dar

I think that it is very important that you visit both the rural and city sides of Tanzania so that you will have a full understanding and overall view of the country instead of half-truths. In this chapter, I will share my experience and thoughts of rural and downtown Dar es Salaam.

9. Tanzania Tribes People and Lifestyle


I was told by local Tanzanians that they have over 100 different tribes! I will be sharing my experiences with the locals, which by the way is the number one reason for my trip-not only to visit the country but meet and learn the ways of the people.

10. Tanzania Street Markets

I will describe the street markets I went to, and share tips, including do’s and don’ts when shopping. Also, I will show you how to board the Kigamboni Ferry.

Starting Wednesday, I will be posting videos of my trip on Pinterest in my Pinterest stories!

This is just a brief outline of my upcoming blog posts about my first international visit to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In between building businesses, homeschooling, and settling back into my groove after my trip, I will be writing about my unforgettable experience in East Africa.

Bye for now!

*Updated February 2022

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