Manuka Honey Natural Cough and Throat Syrup For Seasonal Allergies

Manuka Honey Natural Cough and Throat Syrup For Seasonal Allergies

Last week I mentioned that I had an allergy flare after giving our Guinea Pig some fresh hay.

I decided to order Manuka Honey syrup for cough and throat since I was having a lot of phlegm and “choke like” catches in my throat.

Manuka Honey comes from New Zealand and Australia and is said to be the best honey in the world.


My natural medicine took exactly 1 week from the order date to arrive.

While waiting on its arrival, I had been drinking my green tea faithfully 4 times a day-sometimes 5!

Hot Green Tea with natural sugar has calmed my allergies down. I drink it early in the morning, midmorning, noon, afternoon, and evening.

My Manuka Honey Cough and Throat Natural Medicine Review

As soon as I received my package, I was excited to give the natural medicine a go. After reading everything on the label, I unscrewed the cap, and poured the manuka honey medicine into my spoon right away:

Shake well!

Ingredients- Apple cider vinegar Manuka Honey Olive leaf Extract Elecampane root extract Licorice root extract Ginger root extract

Potency- Strong

Dosage- 1 teaspoon

Frequency- 3 times a day

Storage for Care- Refrigerator


I was taken aback by the strong vinegary taste! Vinegar definitely is the top note ingredient! You will be able to fully smell and taste it. It is not masked or hidden!

After a day or 2 of dosages, I couldn’t take it straight anymore! So I decided to mix it in my tea.

This provided me with a much more enjoyable medicinal experience!

But, knowing me, I probably will still take it straight up from time to time.


Day 1: I didn't notice anything different, but it knocked me the heck out a few hours after taking it.

It does say promotes sleep!😅


Day 2: Nada

Day 3: Which was yesterday, I feel it working in my system. The catches in my throat that I get before a cough became infrequent.

I fell asleep super fast while watching a movie last night, after taking my last dosage. I woke up, tried to watch the movie again, and then went back to sleep!

*I am a Natural Health Consultant and know my body quite well. With that being said, I increased the dosage in which I poured into my tea to 1Tbsp. For me, this is good, but I am not suggesting an increase in dosage for you.

This morning as I woke, my throat felt much calmer. I will even continue to take after my allergies subside.

Manuka Guard products are all-natural, drug-free, and free of artificial flavor and preservatives. You can buy the manuka pure honey along with the manuka for coughs and throats. (which is what I should have done)

They also have other natural allergy relief dietary supplements.

If you are looking for a pure all-natural relief from allergies (cuz some say all-natural but are really not ALL natural) give Manuka Guard a go!

Have you tried Manuka Honey before?

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